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Get the Loans You Need Through Your Attorney

Published on March 11th, 2019 by The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm

Get The Loans Through Your Attorney

We’ve seen it a thousand times, but it never gets any less heartbreaking to see. The hardworking people of Illinois are injured due to a workplace injury or a car accident that was not their fault. Medical bills pile up, the injured person cannot work because of the pain, and they fall behind on other bills such as rent, or worse, cannot provide basic necessities for their family. It’s a difficult and deeply troubling situation for anyone. The injured person feels responsible for their financial woes when in actuality the blame falls on the negligence of the at-fault party.

The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm works with multiple loan companies to help alleviate this hardship.  How can someone focus on their health and their recovery if they are laying wide awake at night, worried about how they are going to feed their family? We’ve seen clients rush back to work before they are physically ready because they need a steady pay check. It’s really a shame, but there are options.

We strongly suggest going through your injury law firm in order to seek loans. While not all injury law firms have relationships with loan companies many, such as ours, do. Working off of our law firm’s successful relationship with loan companies enables the loan company to offer lower interest rates than if you procured a loan elsewhere, and even more essential, offers same day approvals so you can get money the day you apply. Also, due to the relationship with the firm some of the loan companies we work with do not attempt to collect repayment until after your settlement, so in some instances you do not have to start paying back for the money borrowed until you’ve financially recouped from the settle you have with our firm.

While taking out a loan is a plausible option for most we cannot guarantee that all loans will be approved. In extenuating circumstances an approval is not given if a client is attempting to take out a loan that is significantly more than their potential settlement. The potential settlement amount is an indicator of how much financial recuperation they will incur. For example if the potential settlement is $10,000 this amount takes into consideration how much work has been or will be missed, plus medical bills, and pain and suffering. If the client is attempting to get a loan for $60,000 with a case that may only receive $10,000 then the loan may be denied. These situations are rare. We advise to only ask for what you need in order to make ends meet and no more.

The relationship we’ve spent years building with loan companies greatly benefits our clients and we are proud to offer a solution to the dire needs of financial compensation while an injured person is healing. It is something we take very seriously and have studied earnestly to implement practical solutions to our client’s problems. If you have any questions about getting a loan or about your injury please don’t hesitate to call the Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm at 888-4-Hammer. Thank you.

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