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Bradley S Dworkin & Domenic Maciariello

Dworkin & Maciariello Attorney's At Law

The Illinois Hammer

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Appreciation for the Dedicated Worker

Published on June 15th, 2017 by The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm

Recently the Illinois Hammer Team received a case from a woman who had been a machine operator for 23 years at one company. That is the type of hard work and dedication to one company that is hard to find from an employee, and you’d hope the employer would be grateful.

Five years ago our client began feeling numbness and tingling in both of her hands. Despite the pain, she continued to work until it became unbearable. After telling her boss, they sent her to a doctor on the company’s Preferred Provider list. Not surprisingly that doctor told her that she was fine and sent her back to work full duty, with no restrictions. She tried to go back to work, the pain and discomfort continued so she contacted Dworkin and Maciariello for help. Per her attorney’s instruction, the client utilized her right to a second opinion and sought treatment with a new doctor who took her off work and diagnosed her with bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome. The doctor recommended surgery to both of her hands.

After the insurance company denied the case and refused to approve treatment or pay any medical bills, Dworkin and Maciariello went to court and tried her case. We were able to get all of the back owed benefits, medical bills paid, and lump sum for her injury. After surgery and recovery, she is back to work full duty, without any residual issues.

It’s a shame when an upstanding employee like our client is taken advantage of, especially after working for the same employer for over two decades! Dworkin and Maciariello is honored to work hard for those who also work hard.

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