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Aurora Truck Accident Attorney

You Need an Experienced Aurora Truck Accident Attorney

The truth of the matter is truck accidents are more fatal than car accidents. The size and weight of trucks contribute to more serious injuries, which means a victim is more likely to suffer injuries that require serious medical intervention. A truck accident victim may need surgery, physical therapy, pain medications, and more. Having an experienced Aurora truck accident attorney, like the attorneys at the Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm, Dworkin and Maciariello, could make a major difference in the outcome of your case. The Illinois Hammer is ready to take on Aurora truck accident cases today.

Did you know that the Illinois Department of Transportation reported almost 300 fatalities in Cook County alone in 2019? This is even more fatalities than the prior year.

Truck Accident Causes

Aurora truck accidents occur for a variety of reasons. Common reasons are:

  • Drivers are sleepy
  • Drivers lack the experience to handle the large truck
  • The trucks require maintenance or have parts that are broken
  • Drivers are distracted

Regardless of the cause, an accident caused my a truck driver means you are not responsible for the damages caused, they are.

Pursuing a case for an Aurora truck accident attorney is full of nuances. That’s why it’s important to have the experience of the attorneys at the Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm, Dworkin and Maciariello. They know how to aggressively seek compensation for damages and payment for medical bills. Undertaking a claim without an attorney can be a disappointing and confusing endeavor.

What’s Next After Being Injured in An Aurora Truck Accident?

While there are a million things running through your mind after a serious truck accident there are a few important steps you can take to take care of yourself and your loved ones:

  • If you have sustained injuries, seek medical attention immediately; go to the emergency room
  • Call the police and file a report
  • If you’re well enough, or someone you trust is well enough, take pictures of the accident and try to write down exactly what happened; even gather testimony from witnesses
  • Call an Aurora truck accident attorney, such as the Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm
  • Do not speak to the truck driver’s insurance company without first consulting with an Aurora truck accident attorney

We’re Here to Help

For many, after a major accident, it feels like this is happening to you in a vacuum, with no one out there who understands what you’re going through and how to help. Just know, you are not alone. The attorneys at the Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm are passionate about seeking justice for their clients, and have the experience and resources to help. They will not let the insurance companies take advantage of you. In fact, last year alone The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm recovered over $40 million for their clients. Get the money you deserve and the support system you need.

Just one call will connect you with the Aurora truck accident attorney you need to start your journey on recovering from the devastation of a truck accident. Our dedicated staff is here to answer your questions 24/7. Even if you are currently working with another law office, but want a second opinion, your call is completely free. We can help you assess your case and if your current attorney is doing all they can for you.

There is a statute of limitations on these incidences, after which a case expires, so please reach out if you have been injured in an Aurora truck accident or are seeking an Aurora truck accident attorney. We offer free case consultations.


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