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Aurora Work Injury

You Suffered an Aurora Work Injury, Now What?

Even if a company takes all the necessary measures to have a safe work environment, accidents can still happen. It doesn’t mean your employer did something wrong on purpose, but you are still entitled to workers’ compensation after a workplace injury occurs. What does workers’ compensation mean? Simply put: it means you have rights as an injured worker. Examples are the right to see a doctor to assess your injuries, getting time off of work to heal while still being paid, and more.

Most Aurora work injury cases are eligible to receive some level of workers’ compensation benefits. If you are confused about how workers’ compensation works after you’ve had an Aurora work injury, you can call the Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm for a free case assessment. We know having an Aurora work injury is a difficult time, and we’re here to help, 24/7.

How Does Workers’ Compensation Work?

Requirements for workers’ compensation is standardized for employers by Illinois law. Essentially, it means that an employer must have insurance coverage in case their employees are injured in the workplace or while performing a work duty. This insurance is what covers the cost of medical bills for the injured employee, the payment to the employee while they are off of work and recovering, and more. In some severe cases, it also covers the costs for the injury employee to be trained in a new job if their injury prevents them from performing their current job. In the case of death, it helps the victim’s family with burial costs, and more.

While levels of benefits vary depending on the injury, most Aurora work injury cases are covered under workers’ compensation. The attorneys at The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm can help injury victims understand what they’re eligible for, and fight the insurance companies.

After an Aurora Work Injury What are My Next Steps?

Here are a series of steps you should take after an Aurora work injury. Remember, taking these steps could make a huge difference in your case. The role of the insurance company is to try to minimize your injury so you’re entitled to less. These steps are to make sure you have the support you need on your case.

  • See a doctor as soon as possible to assess your injuries; this could mean going to the emergency room
  • Report your injury to your superior and make sure an official report was filed with your company
  • Call a workers’ compensation injury attorney, such as the Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm
  • File a claim with your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance company; your attorney can assist you with this

Keep in mind, you’re not fighting against your employers nor your boss when hiring an attorney after an Aurora work injury. Your attorney is hired to uphold your best interests after you are injured with the insurance company. The insurance company wants to pay you, the injured, less than you deserve, in order to save their company money. They don’t care how badly you are hurt, what bills you need to get paid, or how your treatment is going. Overall, they don’t care about you. The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm is by your side through this process to make sure the insurance company pays up.

The Illinois Hammer is the Help You Need

Aurora work injury attorneys at the Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm are here to help you after an Aurora work injury. From getting the most compensation possible after an injury, to fighting the insurance company if your medical benefits are denied, The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm is here to hammer for justice. If your injury prevents you from fulfilling your work duties, our attorneys will pursue new job placement and career training. If your payments are the wrong amount or coming inconsistently, our attorneys will fight to get your payments corrected and delivered on time.

Fighting for the hard working people of Illinois is an honor for the Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm. The attorneys believe fighting for the rights of the injured so the injury victim can focus on recovery is a vital part of their job.

There is a statue of limitations on Aurora work injury claims, so please reach out to the Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm today. The sooner you call, the sooner you can start your path to recovery!

The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm has more than 25 years of Aurora work injury legal experience. They have recovered over $500 million for their clients. They are ready to hammer the insurance company after an Aurora work injury occurs. Call for a free case consultation today.

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