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More than any injury only law firm in the state!

Bradley S Dworkin & Domenic Maciariello

Dworkin & Maciariello Attorney's At Law

The Illinois Hammer

Big Hammer... Big Results!

  • Help getting loans in 24 hours if needed
  • Over $65 Million recovered last year alone
  • We don't get paid unless you do
  • Help seeking medical attention

Chicago Construction Accident Attorneys

Construction work is one of the most dangerous lines of work in America. Every day, construction workers put their lives on the line, with thousands of injuries and deaths occurring every year. Experienced Chicago Construction Accident Attorneys such as the Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm, Dworkin and Maciariello, can help.


Types of Accidents

According to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the four most common types of construction accidents are falls, electrocutions, being struck by an object or getting caught in/between multiple objects. These accidents are also referred to as the fatal four. 


Chicago Construction Accidents

No matter what type of construction accident you were involved in, you deserve to receive the money you need  and you deserve justice. While you focus your energy on healing, let the Chicago construction accident attorneys at the Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm handle your case. 


Filing a claim can be a complicated process, but the experts at the Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm, Dworkin and Maciariello, have over 25 years of experience. The Chicago construction accident attorneys at our firm are passionate about helping victims, and they will fight for you against all parties liable for your accident. They will get you the settlement that you deserve.


Get in Touch

We are ready and waiting to take on your case. There is a statute of limitations on Chicago construction accidents, after which you can no longer bring forth a case. Call us now for a free case consultation, and let the Illinois Hammer fight by your side.


Let our Chicago construction accident attorneys help you today! 


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