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Chicago Truck Accident Attorney

Chicago Truck Accident Attorney

Accidents involving trucks are much more dangerous than accidents between cars due to the size and weight of trucks. Victims often suffer more grave injuries, and these accidents can even be fatal. The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm, Dworkin & Maciariello has experienced Chicago truck accident attorneys.

Chicago truck accidents impact the lives of many people. The Illinois Department of Transportation reported almost 300 fatalities in Cook County alone in 2019, which was an increase from the year before.


Causes of Truck Accidents

The reasons for Chicago truck accidents are varied, and include: driver’s fatigue, inexperienced drivers, poorly maintained trucks, and distracted drivers. Regardless of what caused the accident, truck drivers are held responsible for any dangerous actions they engage in while behind the wheel. 

It’s important to have an experienced Chicago truck accident attorney like the Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm, Dworkin and Maciariello, because there are nuances to truck accident cases that may be difficult to navigate without a Chicago truck accident attorney. 


What To Do When You’ve Been in A Chicago Truck Accident

First, you should make sure you have not sustained any injuries, and seek medical attention if needed, and also call the police. After this, you should reach out to a Chicago truck accident attorney such as the Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm, Dworkin and Maciariello. No matter how minor the truck accident was, the Illinois Hammer has the experience to help you through this process. The truck driver’s insurance company may try to give you a settlement worth less than you deserve. 

Let a Chicago truck accident attorney, like the Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm, answer any questions you have before agreeing to or signing anything from the insurance company.


We’re Here to Help

You’re not alone when dealing with a Chicago truck accident. The attorneys at the Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm are here to make sure that the insurance company will not take advantage of you. With over $40 million recovered last year alone, we have the knowledge and experience to take on your case and get you the money you deserve. We’ve helped countless victims, and we can help you, too.


There is a statute of limitations on these incidents, after which a case expires, so please reach out if you have been injured in a Chicago truck accident or are seeking a Chicago truck accident attorney. We offer free case consultations. 


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