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Elgin Truck Accident Attorney

You Need an Experienced Elgin Truck Accident Attorney

Accidents involving two trucks are known to be more fatal than accidents involving cars. The weight and size of a truck often contribute to more serious injuries. Injuries sustained from truck accidents usually require serious medical intervention. After a truck accident, a victim may require surgery, physical therapy, medication, and more.

Having an experienced and skilled Elgin truck accident attorney, like the attorneys at The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm, Dworkin and Maciariello, could make a substantial difference in the outcome of your case. The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm is prepared to fight for you on your Elgin truck accident case today.

Truck Accident Causes

In 2019 alone, the Illinois Department of Transportation reported almost 300 fatalities in Cook County Alone. This exceeds the number of fatalities from the previous year.

Elgin truck accidents occur for a variety of reasons. Some of the common causes of truck accidents in Elgin are:

  • Exhausted drivers
  • Drivers with a lack of experience
  • Trucks that require maintenance
  • Distracted drivers

No matter the cause of the Elgin truck accident, an accident that is caused by a truck driver means that you are not responsible for the damages caused by them.

When pursuing a case for an Elgin truck accident, you may be faced with several challenges. That is why it’s important to have the experience of Elgin truck accident attorneys at The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm, Dworkin and Maciariello. Our attorneys know how to aggressively fight for compensation for damages and payment for medical bills. Undertaking a claim without an experienced Elgin truck accident attorney can be a disappointing and difficult endeavor.

What’s Next After an Elgin Truck Accident Injury?

Though you may not know what to do after an Elgin truck accident, there are a few important steps you can take to ensure that you and your loved ones are taken care of:

  • Seek medical attention if you have sustained any injuries; this may require going to the emergency room
  • Call the police and file an accident report with them
  • If you are capable, take pictures of the accident and write down what happened
  • Gather testimony from witnesses if possible
  • Call an Elgin truck accident attorney at The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm
  • Consult with an Elgin truck accident attorney before speaking with the driver’s insurance company

We’re Here to Help

After an Elgin truck accident, you are not alone. The Elgin truck accident attorneys at The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm are passionate about seeking justice for their clients. Our attorneys have the experience and resources necessary to help. Last year alone, The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm recovered over $40 million for their clients. Our attorneys want to help you get the compensation you are entitled to.

Contact Us

Calling an Elgin truck accident attorney will jumpstart you on your journey to recovery from the devastation of a truck accident. Our staff is here to answer questions 24/7. Be aware that all cases have a statute of limitations. This means that there is a limited amount of time to pursue your claim. Call an Elgin truck accident attorney at The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm today for a free case consultation.

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