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How Do I File For Workers’ Compensation If I Am An Essential Worker with Covid-19?

Published on April 24th, 2020 by The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm

How Do I File For Workers’ Compensation If I Am An Essential Worker with Covid-19?

With so many essential workers getting sick, many are wondering if they are entitled to Workers’ Compensation benefits for Covid-19 and if they are, how do they file for their Workers’ Compensation benefits. While this is a very difficult time for everyone, the good news is that the State of Illinois has recognized that essential workers are at a much higher risk of contracting Covid-19 and has made special provisions for Workers’ Compensation benefits in response to this crisis.

If you or your loved one are an essential employee who contracted Covid-19, you have the right to file a case before the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission. The easiest and fastest way to do that is to contact a reputable, highly experienced Workers’ Compensation law firm.

On April 13 and 15, the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission issued special emergency amendments to the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act specifically recognizing Covid-19 as a work-related condition and set up special rules to apply to front line responders and essential workers if they’ve contracted Covid-19. These new rules shift the burden of proof away from the employee and on to the employer. This means that the employer would have to prove that the employee contracted Covid-19 outside of work and the employee does not have to prove they contracted the disease while working. This is a substantial shift because it makes more people eligible for benefits. However, these special rules expire on September 13, 2020, so it’s important to consider acting quickly if Covid-19 has affected you.

The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm has filed more Workers’ Compensation cases than any firm in the state. If you have been on a ventilator of if your loved one was an essential worker and died of Covid-19, please contact us so we can help assess your next steps.


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