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IL Hammer: Leader in Law-Based Tech with Yosef Arviv

Published on March 17th, 2020 by The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm

IL Hammer: Leader in Law-Based Solutions with Yosef Arviv

The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm not only has talented attorneys and staff, but we also use state-of-the-art technology and a seamless workflow to get the best results as quickly as possible. With a thorough virtual case management system, we have extensive knowledge at our fingertips, allowing us to give you, the client, up-to-date information regarding your case, and next steps.

“Our sophisticated system is a cloud-based program that allows attorneys, staff, and clients, to get needed information in real-time,” attorney Yosef Arviv said. Yosef Arviv is one of the key team leaders in the advancement of our information technologies. “We can get contracts signed and uploaded, medical records, and more, and add them to a client’s file so a case is organized and moves quickly.”

Yosef Arviv, along with many of our other attorneys, participated in training courses in order to use smart-tech solutions to the benefit of our clients.

Beyond technology, we stagger our staffing so that no matter what time you call, someone is always available to answer the phone and answer questions. If you’re not a phone person, we offer multiple options to stay in touch. We can meet in person, chat online, text, or email.

We’ve also automated fax systems and scanning so we can be as green as possible by being completely paperless. We’re always working to improve in efficiency for our clients. That’s just one of the many ways that the Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm is different.

To find out more about what makes us different please follow us on Facebook and Twitter. We feature the latest information about injury law in the state of Illinois.

If you have suffered an injury and want more information about representation please call us at 888-4-Hammer for a free case assessment.

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