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7 Common Legal Terms You Need to Know for Your Injury Case!

Published on May 21st, 2021 by The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm

Common Legal Terms Could Help You!

Unless you work in the legal profession, watch a lot of legal dramas on Netflix, or study law in school, you might not be very familiar with a lot of legal terminology. For many, legal jargon is not a part of their everyday vocabulary. Legal terms used in the courtroom and in law offices can come across as intimidating and confusing for many. Familiarity with common legal terms could help you understand your injury case more clearly.

At The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm, Dworkin and Maciariello, our attorneys value your understanding of your injury case. We want to educate injury victims on Illinois law, to help them feel comfortable with understanding their injury case. We have compiled a short list of common legal terms that you, the injured, can learn to help familiarize yourself with your (or a loved one’s) injury case. Learning legal terminology might be easier than you think!

What is “Injury Law?”

Our attorneys at The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm work in injury law which, in short, is the legal field that deals with cases where a party is harmed or injured. More specifically, our attorneys deal with personal injury accidents and work injury accident cases. For both types of law our Illinois Hammer team seeks justice for the injury victim in financial compensation and physical recovery from injuries.

Personal Injury:

A personal injury accident is a case that results from an accident when one person is harmed due to another person’s carelessness or negligence. Personal injury accidents can affect a person mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Work Injury:

A work injury occurs when a worker is hurt while performing a required work-related duty. Work injury cases are generally covered under workers’ compensation by Illinois law, which is a form of insurance that employers are required to have in order to help cover costs that an injury victim may incur after an injury.

Other Terms to Know

Whether you are a victim of a personal injury or a work injury, below are a few common legal terms that would be valuable to know:

  • Duty is the responsibility of each person to act according to the law.
  • Negligence refers to carelessness, or a failure to act with reasonable care, when the conduct results in harm to another person. In other words, negligence refers to a failure to behave with the level of care that an ordinary person would have exercised in a similar situation.
  • Statute of Limitations sets a maximum amount of time after an event (such as an injury) in which a person can take legal action. Essentially, this means that there is a specific period or range of time after an accident in which you can pursue a claim.
  • Compensation refers to something, typically a sum of money, that is awarded to an injury victim to recompense for loss.
  • Damages refers to monetary compensation that one receives for injury caused by the wrongful act of another.

While there are a innumerable legal terms, this is a great list of words to make an injury victim feel more comfortable when discussing their case. Familiarity with the basics can make you feel more empowered as you pursue a claim with the help of the Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm.

Big Hammer, Big Results…Call Us Today!

If you have sustained an injury as a result of a personal injury or work injury accident, don’t hesitate to call The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm today. With the help of our knowledgeable attorneys, we can help you decide on the next important steps to get you on your road to financial and physical recovery. Our attorneys have nearly 30 years of experience in injury law and have recovered more than $500 million for our clients. We are not afraid to hammer the insurance company for you. Big Hammer, Big Results! Call today!

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