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Mistakes of a Personal Injury Case

Published on May 4th, 2017 by The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm

Being honest Abe doesn’t always matter when it comes to the law. The burden of proof often falls on the victim, so even if you’re telling the truth when it comes to your personal injury case the ruling may not be in your favor. Although an attorney takes a percentage of your award, chances are without their help you may not have won your case in the first place.

One item often overlooked is the importance of proper filing and citing of a case. If paperwork is missing, filled out incorrectly, or sent to the wrong entities, your case may suffer or even be dismissed. The legal requirements for filing a personal injury case changes often, and finding that information online can be difficult.

Another issue is providing proof and documentation. It is paramount for an injured person to see a doctor and have all of their injuries documented by an expert. Without proof like X-rays, CAT-Scans, and a prognosis from you physician, it becomes a case of your word against your adversary.
Further, procuring an expert witness to testify in favor of your case is not an easy task. Working with an attorney that is already well-connected with qualifying experts that may support your claim is vital to winning a settlement.

The last, but certainly not least, thing to consider is the viability of your case. Even if you choose to move forward on claim without an attorney you should still have your case assessed. If a law firm says you don’t have a claim you should take their opinion seriously. Personal Injury Cases take a lot of time and effort and can be emotionally draining, so first seeking the assessment of an expert can save you a lot of heartache.

As you pursue your personal injury case take into consideration the advice above. If you are suffering and believe you are the victim of a personal injury case we wish you luck as you fight for what you deserve.

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