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My wife/husband died from Covid-19. They got it from work. Can I sue?

Published on April 29th, 2020 by The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm

My wife/husband died from Covid-19. They got it from work. Can I sue?

When a loved one dies from something as devastating as Covid-19. The last thing you’d want to worry about is finances. Because your spouse died from a virus they contracted while performing work duties, the family may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits such as, but not limited to, covering the costs of medical bills and a burial service.

The unfortunate truth is insurance companies immediately begin to build their case against your loved one that passed away. This is in order to minimize their workers’ compensation benefits. It’s done in an attempt to save the insurance company money, and it’s morally wrong. In order to seek the full amount of benefits and financial recovery it may be necessary to get a law firm that focuses in Workers’ Compensation law to negotiate against the insurance company. Having an experienced attorney on your side could be the difference of receiving hundreds in a settlement or thousands, and sometimes even millions.

What the family of the deceased is entitled to

The Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act allows for a spouse and surviving children to collect death benefits for a loved one who passed away due to their work-related death. Death benefits are paid to the dependent. A dependent is someone who is directly related to the deceased party. A dependent relied financially on the deceased family member.

In most cases Workers’ Compensation death benefits apply to a spouse or children. Some special circumstances also exist. A good attorney can help you determine who is able to receive benefits under the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act.

To receive benefits

Filing to receive Workers’ Compensation death benefits often requires filing paperwork at court. Knowing what you may be entitled to also involves knowledge of how insurance companies determine eligibility of benefits. A workers’ compensation attorney can assist you with that information.

The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm is well versed in the process to reach a maximum recovery for the dependents of those who died from Covid-19 due to work-related duties. We’ve even authored a chapter on death cases in the Workers’ Compensation handbook that other attorneys rely on.

It is imperative to reach out to a law firm immediately after your loved one died of Covid-19. Waiting or talking to the insurance company first may result in the insurance company using your words to build a case against you and attempt to pay you little to nothing.

If you have more questions, please don’t hesitate to call us.

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