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Palatine Work Injury

You Suffered a Palatine Work Injury, Now What?

A company can take as many precautionary steps as possible to ensure a safe work environment for their employees. But, even if they do this, a work injury can still occur. You may be entitled to receive workers’ compensation if you have sustained an injury while performing a work task. As an injured worker, workers’ compensation can give you rights that include the right to see a doctor to assess injuries, paid time off of work, and more.

The majority of work injury cases in Illinois are eligible to receive some degree of benefits from workers’ compensation. If you are unsure of your rights as an injured worker, our Palatine work injury attorneys at The Illinois Hammer can help! We understand that having a work injury can be a troubling time. We want to hammer the insurance company so that you can focus on your recovery.

How Does Workers’ Compensation Work?

Employers have outlined requirements that are standardized in Illinois Law for workers’ compensation. Essentially, workers’ compensation states that your employer has to have insurance coverage for their employees in the case that a work accident occurs. Workers’ compensation may cover the cost of payments to an employee when they are out of work, medical bills, and much more. In some scenarios, it can even cover the cost of an employee to be trained in a new job if their injury prevents them from carrying out standard work duties.

Many Palatine work injury cases are covered by workers’ compensation. Benefits can vary based on the severity of the injury that a worker sustains. The attorneys at The Illinois Hammer are here to help work injury victims understand their rights and receive the compensation they deserve. We will hammer the insurance company for you, the injured, so that you can focus on your recovery.

After a Palatine Work Injury What are My Next Steps?

If you have sustained a work related injury while on the job in Palatine, you might not be sure of what steps to take next. Here are some things you can do afterwards that could have an impact on your case:

  • See a doctor as soon as possible to assess your injuries
  • Report your work injury to your superior and ensure that an official report was filed with your company
  • Call a workers’ compensation injury attorney, such as the Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm
  • File a claim with your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance company; your attorney can assist you with this

When you hire a Palatine work injury attorney, we will fight to get you the compensation you deserve. You are not fighting against your boss or employer, rather, we are fighting against the insurance company. Many times, insurance companies will attempt to manipulate work injury victims by paying them much less than what they deserve. Don’t be taken advantage of by the insurance company, let a Palatine work injury help you through this process!

The Illinois Hammer is the Help You Need

Our Palatine work injury attorneys at The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm, Dworkin and Maciariello, will give you the help you need after your work injury. We will fight to get you the compensation you are entitled to. With almost 30 years of experience, we are prepared to hammer the insurance company for you. We want to get your payments corrected and seek new job placement for you if needed.

Our attorneys at The Illinois Hammer take pride in fighting for the hard-workers of Illinois. We want to fight for your rights to get you the justice and compensation you deserve.

All work injury claims in Palatine have a statute of limitations. This means that there is a limited amount of time to pursue your claim. Don’t hesitate, call The Illinois Hammer at 888-4-HAMMER for a free case consultation!

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