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3 Things to Photograph For Your Personal Injury Claim

Published on January 28th, 2021 by The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm

As the old saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” In a personal injury resulting from a car accident, slip and fall, or premises liability, it might come in handy to keep this saying in mind for your personal injury claim. Even if you can describe the scope of the accident in great detail, insurance companies are not in the business of keeping your best financial interests in mind and it takes hard evidence to coerce them into doing the right thing.

Take Photographs for Evidence for Your Personal Injury Claim

After a personal injury, the steps you take directly after the accident could make a substantial difference in your personal injury claim. Taking photographs for evidence is one of the most important actions you can take. Since photographs are one of the most credible pieces of evidence in a personal injury claim, insurance companies may be more incentivized to hand over proper compensation to the injured.

The top 3 things to photograph for your personal injury claim are:

1. Damage to Vehicles Involved

Many people assume that taking a single picture of the damage caused to their vehicle after a car accident is sufficient for the insurance company to review. While it is important to take pictures of your car, it is also valuable to your personal injury claim to snap some pictures of the location of the damage to all vehicles involved in the accident. By providing close-up photos of the damage, the insurance company might have a better understanding of what actually occurred in the accident and seeing the impact on the car will help support the serious extent of your injuries.

2. Overall Scene of the Accident

Taking photos of the overall scene where the accident or incident occurred can also help your personal injury claim. If you suffered an injury from a car accident, take photos of the location around the accident including the vehicles involved, the road, and surrounding street signs. If your injury was sustained from a slip and fall accident or is a premises liability case, take photos of the scope of the scene such as the liquid that caused the slip, broken railing or stairs that caused a fall, or anything else that helps explain the series of events that led to your injury.

Some other examples of common indicators that could help strengthen your claim through your personal photos of the scene include missing road signs, tire marks that may reveal the at-fault car was speeding, or the damages on the property that caused the injury. These photos could be the missing piece of evidence you need!

3. Any Visible Injuries Suffered from the Accident

Since insurance companies are looking to save by not paying you the full amount you’re entitled to, they often attempt to manipulate situations to give the injured less financial compensation. How can photographing any visible injuries suffered from the accident help strengthen your claim against the insurance company?

Injuries may heal over time, but photographs capture the severe physical damage. It is of value to take pictures of visible injuries directly after the accident and the following weeks to ensure that the insurance company understands what your injuries looked like at their worst point and the struggle it was to heal. It also supports that your injuries were caused by the accident and not from some other event. Your photographs capture the severity of your injury and act as proof and a reminder that you’ve undergone a tumultuous injury.

Photography Tips

Not having photographs of your car accident makes the task-at-hand for insurance companies to deny your claim simpler. This also applies to slip and falls and premises liability cases. Without photographs, insurance companies could defend themselves by accusing you of exaggerating or changing the narrative of what truly happened. With photographic evidence on your side, you have set yourself up to receive a greater amount of compensation for your personal injury claim.

Here are some tips when taking photographs after a personal injury accident:

  • Take multiple, detailed photos
  • Look at the photos after you take them to ensure that you’ve captured what was intended
  • Avoid glares or poor lighting; take some photos with the flash on and some with the flash off to increase the likelihood of capturing the best photo
  • Shoot from a variety of distances and angles
  • Take more photographs than you think you need

Contact Us

Have you suffered a personal injury? From a car accident, slip and fall, to a premises liability case, we have over 25 years of experience. Call The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm at 888-4-HAMMER today for a free case consultation!

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