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More than any injury only law firm in the state!

Bradley S Dworkin & Domenic Maciariello

Dworkin & Maciariello Attorney's At Law

The Illinois Hammer

Big Hammer... Big Results!

  • Help getting loans in 24 hours if needed
  • Over $65 Million recovered last year alone
  • We don't get paid unless you do
  • Help seeking medical attention

Rockford Construction Accident Attorneys


Some are surprised to hear that construction work is considered an extremely dangerous profession in America. In fact it’s one of the most dangerous. Unfortunately, thousands of construction workers are injured or die every year due to a construction accident. The Illinois Hammer Injury Law firm, Dworkin and Maciariello, has almost 30 years of experience as Rockford construction accident attorneys.

Types of Accidents

Reports conducted by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, reveal the top four types of construction accidents are:

  • Falls (from raised surfaces)
  • Electrocutions
  • Being struck by an object
  • Getting caught in or between multiple objects

These accidents are known as the fatal four.

Rockford Construction Accidents

Injured victims of construction accidents deserve the money and justice they deserve. The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm, with experienced Rockford construction accident attorneys, will handle your case so you can focus on your health.

The process of filing a claim is stressful and confusing, but with almost 30 years of experience as Rockford construction accident attorneys, the task-at-hand becomes easier. Our Rockford construction accident attorneys are zealous protectors of injury victims. They will hammer the insurance company to get the settlement you deserve, and also seek retribution for all at-fault parties.

Get in Touch

If you’ve been injured, contact us today and get into touch with Rockford construction accident attorneys that can help you navigate your case. All injury accidents have a state of limitations which means you have a limited time to pursue your case; we suggest contacting us as soon as possible. We offer free case assessments. Call the Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm and let our Rockford construction accident attorneys help you today!

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