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What am I Entitled to if I am an Essential Worker with COVID-19?

Published on April 28th, 2020 by The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm

What am I Entitled to if I am an Essential Worker with COVID-19?

If you are an essential worker and have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and put on a ventilator or if your loved one was an essential coworker and died of Covid-19, you may be able to pursue a claim under the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act or the Illinois Occupational Diseases Act. The benefits entitled to an essential worker with COVID-19 are the same under the Workers’ Compensation Act as any other injured worker. You may be eligible for temporary total disability, payment of medical bills and any permanent partial disability.

What is Temporary Total Disability?

Temporary total disability (TTD) are benefits you receive when you are unable to work because of a work-related injury. TTD benefits are intended to partially replace your regular paychecks until you are able to return to work. Your TTD will equal 2/3 of your average weekly wage (AWW). Your AWW is based on the 52 weeks prior to the date of injury. In some situations, your AWW will be higher if overtime is mandatory or if you have a second job.

TTD benefits begin on the fourth calendar day after your injury. If you miss more than 14 days, you will receive TTD benefits for those first three days. You should expect a TTD check weekly or in some situations bi-weekly. In order to qualify for TTD, your doctor must state what your injury is and why the injury is preventing you from returning to work. If you do not have a doctor, the Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm can help you find a doctor.

Under a claim seeking monetary retribution, the employer’s insurance company is responsible for paying any reasonable and related medical bills associated with your work injury. The medical provider will send a bill to the insurance company and by law they have 30 days to make a payment.

What is Permanent Partial Disability?

Permanent partial disability (PPD) is compensation for your work-related injury. It is based on how the injury will affect you in the future. COVID-19 is still something we are all still learning about and the permanent residual effects from the disease have not been determined but potential outcomes would be taken into consideration under your claim.

How can the Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm Help?

The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm has over 300 years of collective experience in injury law and we are at the forefront of Covid-19 cases.

If you are an essential worker that contracted covid-19 and was put on a ventilator, or if your loved one was an essential worker and died of covid-19 please call us today to find out more about your options.

To find out more up to date information follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

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