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Workers’ Compensation FAQs

Published on November 14th, 2019 by The Illinois Hammer Injury Law Firm

If you have been injured on the job, workers’ compensation is designed to provide you benefits. It is a state-mandated insurance program and each state has its own laws regarding specific workers’ compensation guidelines. Generally speaking, employees that experience a work-related injury will be covered by workers’ compensation. Our work injury lawyers in Aurora know that it can be difficult to understand the intricacies of workers’ compensation so we have outlined frequently asked questions below!

Q: Does workers’ compensation cover only my medical bills?

A: While workers’ compensation does cover hospital bills and other medical expenses, it also provides disability payments while you aren’t able to work. This is usually about two-thirds of your salary. 

Q: Are all employees covered?

A: No. Although 99% of Illinois companies have workers’ compensation insurance, not every employee is qualified. Workers that may be excluded from coverage include farm workers, domestic employees, seasonal/casual workers, or contract workers. It’s important to ask your employer about their coverage and if it applies to you.

Q: Does workers’ compensation cover long-term illnesses or injuries?

A: Yes, many employees receive workers’ compensation for overuse injuries that are caused by working. You may also be eligible to receive workers’ compensation for heart conditions, lung disease and stress-related digestive issues if they were caused by working conditions. 

Q: Are all work-related injuries covered by workers’ compensation?

A: Most injuries are covered, but not all of them. It doesn’t cover injuries that occurred as a result of using drugs or alcohol. Self-inflicted injuries, injuries suffered while committing a crime, injuries suffered while not on the job and injuries suffered while violating company policy may be denied.

Do you have more questions about your work injury in Aurora? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team today! 

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